“Elupadrik” Heino Kiik (no. 1114 M.)

“Elupadrik” Heino Kiik (no. 1114 M.)


Heino Kiik has previously addressed the theme of agriculture in his work. In this novel, he also deals with the problems of the modern collective farm in a variety of ways, which are intertwined with broader problems of social life.
The central place is occupied by working people as creators of the main values. By depicting their work, relationships with each other, family life, and relationship with nature and the world, the author shows how necessary it is for a person to have harmony between the different components of his life.

Availability: 1 in stock SKU: 12901 Category:


Size: 143 x 209 mm

Format: Used book
Year of publication: 2024
Language: Estonian
Series: Novel Competition ´85

Condition: good condition, yellowing at the bottom of the cover. Contents present and in good condition.

Format: standard format, softcover.