Solid wood bread cutting board with removable grid (I.P.)
63,00 €
Handcrafted cutting board especially for cutting bread.
A particularly nice and clean tool for a food-loving household. Enhances any level of kitchen.
Made of 100% birch wood.
The cutting board comes with a high-quality Eicker bread knife made in Germany.
The grid on the table is removable, which makes it easy to clean.
The size of the cutting board is 36.5 cm. Width 27.5 cm.
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Wooden products should under no circumstances be washed with an overly abrasive material (a wire snuffer, the rougher side of a dishwashing sponge, a rough washing sponge), it breaks the surface of the sanded and finished wood and begins to absorb more moisture and food juices. It becomes impossible to clean wooden products from food residues. Such a wooden tool is a favorite of bacteria.
NB! Do not wash the cutting board in the dishwasher!
Wood is a demanding material, and excessive moisture, even dryness, can start to distort the wood, the cutting board may become curved or crooked, and in more severe cases, cracks may appear. When washing serving trays or cutting boards, both sides must be washed in any case, so that the wood gets moisture evenly on both sides, this action helps to prevent warping, as the wood dries evenly on both sides.
The products could be washed with several different natural means, the best ones available in every household are lemon, salt, soda or dishwashing detergent, the last one could be ECO! Because wood is porous and there is always a small part that the cutting board absorbs, and later you consume it with food. Strong detergents are easy to dissolve grease, when washing with such detergents, the finished layer comes off easily. After that, the cutting board should be oiled more often than twice a month. A light vinegar solution is suitable for use after processing raw meat or fish.
NB!It is recommended to use a different cutting board for processing raw meat.
Wood products should be oiled or greased at least twice a month, depending on the intensity of use of the cutting board. The best care product is beeswax-linseed oil paste or just linseed oil. I have used linseed oil and beeswax in the finishing of WOODEN products. Before maintenance, the cutting board must be carefully washed and dried. Olive oil or rapeseed oil are not suitable for oiling the cutting board, as they tend to go rancid over time. Be sure not to use mineral oil, mineral oil is a residual product of oil distillation, even edible mineral oil is not suitable for it! Coconut oil can be used as an alternative.
To care for a wooden cutting board, use a soft cloth to carefully rub the beeswax linseed oil paste into the surface to be cared for and let it stand for one hour, up to overnight. Wipe off the excess paste and dry lightly, now enjoy using the “new” cutting board!
Wood and a sharp knife are great friends, when chopping with a sharp knife, the knife uses less frictional force against the surface, which in turn damages the surface of the wood significantly less. It extends the life of the wood, keeps it youthful and easier to maintain. A wooden cutting board does not dull the knife as easily as different cutting boards made of synthetic materials do.
These products are not suitable for drying near stoves or other devices that transmit more intense heat, as too fast drying can distort the wood and cracks can appear on the glued cutting boards. It is recommended to dry cutting boards in an upright position and away from heat sources.