“Kaasaegne komöödia” III. Luigelaul. John Galsworthy (nr 793,980)

“Kaasaegne komöödia” III. Luigelaul. John Galsworthy (nr 793,980)


Sequel to the trilogy: The Forsyte Saga.
John Galsworthy’s “Modern Comedy” in Part III “The Swan Song” brings the story of the Forsytes to a dramatic end.
Language: Estonian

Availability: 2 in stock SKU: 10299 Category:


Designer: Heino Prunsvelt

Publisher: Eesti Raamat

City: Tallinn

Year: 1991

Original language: from English

Translator: Helga Kross

Pages: 272

Condition: book in good condition

Dimensions: 147 × 212 mm

Size: standard format, with hard covers