Used books
“Prohvet Maltsvet” Eduard Vilde (nr 976)
At the time of the creation of the novel (1904-1908), Eduard Vilde was at the peak of his worldview development and literary artistry. The third part of Eduard Vilde’s historical…
Used books
“Puud olid, puud olid hellad velled” Mats Traat (nr 951)
Romaani sündmustik hargneb möödunud sajandi keskel eesti külas. Ootamatult taluperemeheks saanud Hinnu ette kerkinud raskused teravdavad suhteid sulase Jaaguga ning viivad lõpuks kaks meest kohtulaua ette.
Used books
“Raamat kaktustest” Irina Zaletajeva (nr. 977)
The book is the story of a cactus grower, a hobbyist, about his experiences.
The author takes the reader along the path that all novice flower growers inevitably follow. The interesting… -
Used books
“RADETZKY MARSS” Roth, Joseph (nr 967)
The novel (1932) by the Austrian prose writer and publicist Joseph Roth (1894-1939) gives a picture of life in Austria in the years before the First World War and the…
Used books
“Roheline pall” Jaan Rannap (nr 950)
Valik jutustusi kolhoosinoorte elust ja seiklustest.
Used books
“Roosid aias ja kasvuhoones” Jüri Nuust (nr 955)
The book gives a brief overview of the classification of roses and the rose varieties that the author recommends for growing in the home garden. In the section on agrotechnics,…
Used books
“Sauruste park” Michael Crichton (nr 972)
With this book, Michael Crichton actually created a new literary genre, which in America is called the techno-thriller. The most famous of his creations in Estonia is «Sauruste Park» -…
Used books
“Seikleja Felix Krulli pihtimused” Thomas Mann (nr 970)
Adventure novel.
The talent of Nobel laureate Thomas Mann, the author of the epic “Buddenbrooks” and the philosophical “Võlumäe”, shines just as brightly in the adventure novel genre.
The hero of this… -
Used books
“Solaris. Eeden” Stanislaw Lem (nr 980,625,791/23)
Two science fiction novels by the Polish writer Stanislaw Lem (b. 1921). The novel “Solaris” is dedicated to the meeting of people with a rational life form different from Earth….
Used books
“Tõde ja õigus” II Anton Hansen Tammsaare (nr 9589
Having left his father on Vargamäe, who is tired of searching for truth and justice and disappointed in his hopes for the future, the writer now turns all his attention…
Used books
“Tortured for Christ” 50th Anniversary Edition – Richard Wumberland (nr 1112 M.)
Richard Wurmbrand suffered 14 years in underground prison cells, months in solitary confinement, and years of physical torture. His only crimes were his fervent belief in Jesus Christ and his…
Used books
“Tuuline rand II” Aadu Hint (nr. 978)
Aadu Hindi’s novel-epic “Windy Beach” is one of the most prominent and artistically mature works in the literature of Soviet Estonia. The work has also found its way onto the…
Used books
“Üksi rändan” Mats Traat (nr. 972)
The story of a young man from a bourgeois educated family finding his place in a working class environment.
The novel takes place in a small metal workshop at the beginning… -
Used books
“Umbrohud ja nende tõrje” Martin Karmin, Jaan Lepajõe (nr 965)
The illustrated handbook provides an overview of weeds common in Estonian fields, grasslands, gardens and wastelands. The botanical characteristics of the species, reproduction methods, distribution and harmful and beneficial properties…
Used books
“Valdemor” Ahto Levi (nr 971)
A story about the life of thieves, a bloody power struggle and the law of thieves
A novel with autobiographical lines by an author from Estonia, about the events that he…
Used books
“Valitud näidendid” August Kitzberg (nr 966)
In a whirlwind
A distant god
Cursed farm
Language: Estonian -
Used books
“Veider soov” Arvo Valton (nr 965)
Plenty of Valton’s masterful short stories.
Language: Estonian -
Used books
“Viina katk” Friedrich Reinhold Kreutzwald (nr 982)
Kreutzwald’s first book in Estonian is the abstinence-themed “Viina katk. One story worth noting, which has been given out as guidance and encouragement to the wannabe and young people”. It…